/BCO-DMO/Coral_Hybridization/Apalmata_mutations_sort --region eq PuertoRico-- Level 1

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#   Acropora palmata mutations
#     Mutations at microsatellite loci of Acropora palmata
#   P.I.: I.: 2017-10-19 (added
#   version: 2017-10-19 (added lat/lon data)
#     replaces version: 2016-11-30
#     (sorted by region)
reef                                           lat      lon      
Bajo_Gullardo                                  nd       nd       
Cayo_Ron                                       nd       nd       
La_Cordillera                                  nd       nd       
Rincon                                         18.2101  -67.159  
San_Cristobal                                  17.5649  -67.045  
Tres_Palmas                                    nd       nd